A daily record of gratitude; from quilting to photography to a mix of technology, books, movies and the musings of life!

Welcome to my Blog of my daily gratitude and photo of the day!

Since January 1, 2012, my goal is to write a daily sentence or two (or paragraph or two) about gratitude of the day and to include one photo (at least) that I took that day (but will add others from time to time). It has definitely been a challenge most days throughout the past eight years, and welcomed the challenge again this year - 2020 - Covid and all. I hope you will continue the ride with me!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Old Court House

During a late afternoon break from the Parent's Getaway Weekend", I mosied over to the Old Court House Civil War Museum (and did a little shopping too) to have a "looksie". Interestingly, this building has graffiti from both Northern and Southern soldiers and was used as a hospital, barracks and prison by both sides during the War.

This 1840 building was used until 1984 and seemed to be in excellent shape for something that old and used! I am thankful to fall into such a great find on my walk.

My photos are the Court House and the three oak benches that were just gleaming in the late afternoon sun filtering through the leaded glass panes when I entered the main room on the first floor.


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