While reading and watching the news on a great American hero, John McCain, and his sad death this week, it had me thinking of how personable he was for anyone he met on his journey. Back in 2008 when he was running for president, he made time in his busy day to attend the Red Carpet Event for Tracy's Kids and her Art Therapy Program for Pediatric Cancer. Her program was gaining ground in the Washington DC Metro Area at that time, and Senator McCain was invited (as other Congress-people were), to the event. He was very gracious to Tracy, the people in attendance and the cancer kids who were there too. He made everyone feel at home and graciously posed with anyone who wanted to take a photo with him. Since Facebook for the public was in its "infancy" then, not too much was publicized in real time, but he came anyway.
I am thankful to dig out this photo of Ryan (Age 14) and Senator McCain (note: not taken with a cell phone, rather a DSLR - digital though...).
BSoleille! For John McCain...an American Legend through and through. May he rest in peace.
Ryan Tomoff and Senator John McCain in 2008 - Tracy's Kids Red Carpet Event, Washington DC |
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