A daily record of gratitude; from quilting to photography to a mix of technology, books, movies and the musings of life!

Welcome to my Blog of my daily gratitude and photo of the day!

Since January 1, 2012, my goal is to write a daily sentence or two (or paragraph or two) about gratitude of the day and to include one photo (at least) that I took that day (but will add others from time to time). It has definitely been a challenge most days throughout the past eight years, and welcomed the challenge again this year - 2020 - Covid and all. I hope you will continue the ride with me!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

I Wonder

I realize that "not many" folks like to fight the crowds, the cool/cold temperatures and the pricing of going to the movies nowadays because of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and a host of other ways to download movies and TV shows in the comfort of your own home. But, I am going on a limb here, if you want to see a great movie, IMHO, get to your nearest theater and take in "Wonder"! It was date night for me and hubby Bill, and he suggested it (and highly recommended by friend, Debbie Martinko, and Brother-in-Law, Alex). We were not disappointed, shed a "few" tears throughout the entire movie, and were the last two in the theater as the credits scrolled on...with many tears in our eyes.

This movie resonated with us and our family dynamics in more ways than one! If you do see it, or have already seen it, many themes paralleled our young lives with a child with cancer. Certainly, this movie will resonate with many families facing incredible battles with sick and "different" children, of course, but, more importantly, I hope it will open up the eyes and hearts of many people on how we all march on day by day with whatever the world throws in our paths. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...

BSoleille! The bright side of....Wonder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go and see it. Saw the special on TV about it. I'll remember to bring my tissues.