A daily record of gratitude; from quilting to photography to a mix of technology, books, movies and the musings of life!

Welcome to my Blog of my daily gratitude and photo of the day!

Since January 1, 2012, my goal is to write a daily sentence or two (or paragraph or two) about gratitude of the day and to include one photo (at least) that I took that day (but will add others from time to time). It has definitely been a challenge most days throughout the past eight years, and welcomed the challenge again this year - 2020 - Covid and all. I hope you will continue the ride with me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Local Quilt Artist Lisa Ellis

I’m thankful for my Guild’s Program Chair, Michelle Trachtman, in bringing quilt artist, Lisa Ellis to our guild’s speaker program. Tonight was her trunk show of her beautiful quilts, with an attached workshop tomorrow using some of her techniques! A former engineer, she gave up her DOD job to raise her family and set her "designs" on becoming a prolific quilter! She accomplished both to a resounding success according to her stories, and of course, her incredible quilts. She is also the former president of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) and very involved with the biennial Sacred Threads Exhibition which will be showcased to those "lucky" to get in July 11-28, 2019. www.SacredThreadsQuilts.org
The quilts below showcase her work, in which a few of them traveled throughout the country in various juried shows (think Houston’s International Show!). Her well thought out quilts definitely get the nod in my "book" for all her quilts, especially the cathedral window beauties!
BSoleille! The bright side of Lisa Ellis and her quilts. www.ellisquilts.com

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