Those were the words uttered by a young female Maryland State Trooper to our bee-mate and driver, Deb Hoppe, who got pulled over (with four other bee-mates in the vehicle on a road trip to Lancaster, PA. We were on our way for a fun day of friendship and fabric acquisition, and in heavy Baltimore rush hour traffic, when Deb noticed the flashing lights illuminating the back of her vehicle. We all knew she wasn't speeding, nor was she following the car in front of her too closely, so we were all fairly clueless in why "we" were being pulled over. Lo and behold, Deb had one tailgate light out, and a work order to fix and repair was written, and thankfully, we were back on the road with no further incident.
Many know the feelings of that crazy adrenaline rush and increased heart beats when those flashing lights seem brighter than a tequila sunrise, and Deb was no exception to those reactions. But, I have to admit, she continued on like a champ and we were safely "chauffeured" around Hinkletown, Bird in Hand, Lancaster, New Holland and Intercourse, Pennsylvania for the rest of the day!
BSoleille! The bright side of safe traveling...even with one tail light out!
Just Sew Bee L-R: Deb, Susie Stevenson, Carrie Casto, me and Karen Todd |
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