Friday, January 19, 2018

Long-Arm Bee

Learning new techniques and tips are the basis of continual schooling, even if you've been doing something for awhile. Today I am talking about Long-Arm Quilting, and I am thankful that fellow quilter and friend, Wendy Allen, started this very informative bee several months ago. Believe me, there is a lot that goes into making a quilt, and the last step, quilting the "sandwich", is its own entity. 

We only meet once a month for two hours, but the 120 minutes fly by since there is a plethora of items to discuss including batting, thread, troubleshooting and to get opinions on how to quilt something we've been working on. A big shout of thanks to Pilar Joy who hosted this morning. She has an awesome sewing space in her basement with great light, lots sewing stations and a separate room for her long-arm (quite typical because we need 9-12 ft. in width to "host" a behemoth machine).

BSoleille! The bright side of continued learning!


The gang today included Frank Rucky, Wendy Allen and Pilar Joy!

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