Sunday, September 10, 2017

30 Years and 8 Months

If you think this number could be a career ending number, or a good amount of years for a retirement number, you are correct! So without any "fanfare", I would like to Congratulate Patti Gartman Lane on an illustrious career with the State of Ohio - Adult Parole Authority in Cleveland, Ohio, with 30 years and 8 months experience in many aspects that the job required. Patti and I became fast friends when she came on board nine months after my hire date. (So in effect, if I stayed, I would have retired last year with 30 years!) But not only did Patti take on the world of Adult Parole and Probation straight out of college, she continued her education and went to Cleveland Marshall Law School, graduating with honors even with working full time. She is smart as a whip, a wonderful wife and mother, and a great friend to many!

Tonight I was thankful to have been able to celebrate this milestone with her and her many co-workers and former co-workers to help usher her into a new phase of life. I think I can speak on everyone's behalf who came in wishing this wonderful woman a happy and healthy retirement, with new adventures and friends on the horizon!

BSoleille! The bright side of getting to the other side of a three decade career!


Photo of the gang (Patty on my left in striped skirt) and of us!

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