A daily record of gratitude; from quilting to photography to a mix of technology, books, movies and the musings of life!

Welcome to my Blog of my daily gratitude and photo of the day!

Since January 1, 2012, my goal is to write a daily sentence or two (or paragraph or two) about gratitude of the day and to include one photo (at least) that I took that day (but will add others from time to time). It has definitely been a challenge most days throughout the past eight years, and welcomed the challenge again this year - 2020 - Covid and all. I hope you will continue the ride with me!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hitting "Stride"

My son Ryan is now 2.5 weeks post surgery, and today we met with his surgeon who is quite  happy on how well Ryan is healing and is "well within range" of the process. The tracheostomy is almost healed closed, the tongue his still in the healing stages, his left arm muscle has healed nicely thus far, and Ryan has moved onto eating more solid foods (though nothing spicy...yet!). He's got a hankering for his super secret chicken wing recipe, but that may just have to wait a wee bit longer to execute. We will meet again in two weeks for another follow up appointment. 



Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Ryan is progressing accordingly. Thou we wouldn't expect anything less from him, he has always been such a fighter. Hugs to all.

DTomoff said...

Awesome update Terri! Thanks!! Go Ryan... ����