Saturday, February 14, 2015

Elephants, Elephants, Elephants

The Tau Game Reserve in the Madikwe National Park on the Bostwana border of South Africa is simply the most awesome park filled with lots of wildlife and over 1100 elephants (my favorite). We were all very thankful of the "show" the beasts displayed to us on a hot summer day on the range!  Right outside our lodge is one of the water sources for many animals and we were delighted with the antics of two juvenile males trying to show their dominance to each other. (Whoever wins this game in the next few years will become a dominant male of a herd, or get his top pick of the available mating females). 

Once on the the Safari we got to see more elephants, giraffes, water buffaloes, spotted hyenas, rhinoceroses, wild boars, and birds including owls!  A lot to see on the first leg. Our next safari is at 5:30am!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Terri! Love, love, love the great animal pictures. And, that last one - Wow! So gorgeous!


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