Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ryan's Graduation Party

Today I take a deep breath after having a wonderful graduation party for my son Ryan,  yesterday!  Not only was it a spectacular day weather-wise, the food, the guests who came to celebrate with us, and some surprise visitors (college room mates from Ohio, Jodie Smith and Rosalie Franek, Ryan's favorite nurse Joan Feldman, and "our gang"from Special Love, Inc), the day was very special!  A big shout out to Linda Misencik in helping me prepare the house and some of the food (and also cleaning gutters with me!) to prepare for the party.

I'm thankful my son was so excited and genuinely happy to celebrate this milestone with so many people that helped him/us get to this point in his life.  That is the true blessing!

BSoleille!  The bright side of it "takes a village" to raise a child!  Thank you all!


Photos from the weekend....

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